Dylan is a rather big cat as you can see from the photograph (click on the photograph to see his pedigree), if you are looking for a good stud cat we highly recommend Rowendale Oscar who is the father of Dylan and of our new kitten Purrinian Deirdre.     
   Premier Advenlo Dylan is a Red Self Persian. He has won three Best of Breeds and one Premier of Premiers rosette. He gained his title at the Cheshire Area Cat Club show on November 11th, 2000.
    When at home Dylan enjoys climbing, as you can see from the photograph.  However he does not do jumping - he climbs, but does not jump.

On the right is Rowendale Oscar, Black Persian from Claverham near Bristol (click on the picture to see Oscar’s pedigree). Oscar is at stud to selected queens and has sired many a kitten and Dylan is an example of the quality of his progeny.  For further information about Oscar contact Barbara at: barbara@oscarbara.com or visit the Osarbara website at www.oscabara.co.uk.
    Oscar also has an apprentice named Rowendale Tobias (pictured below and click picture to see pedigree).


Purrinian Dennis, born in June 2002 has now grown into a fine Red and White Bicolour Persian. Dennis is very much a favourite of Dylan and is staying at the Purrinian home.
This Black Persian is a real aristocrat - Champion and Premier Purrinian Count Danilo, brother of Dennis and like him born in June of 2002.
    The Count is very relaxed and shows and made his debut as a kitten at the Bristol & District show in Feburary 2002where he won a First. Since then Danilo has gone on to greater things.
November 29, 2003 was a great day for Count Danilo. He was at the Supreme and he was a winner! This was his third Championship win and thus The Count is now a Champion; Champion Purrinian Count Danilo.

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