Kittens - NEW kITTENS . . . sEPTEMBER 26, 2011
Delilah with her three new born kittens.
Here is a closer view of the three, Duncan, has Dusty and Dandelion resting on top of him.
Here you can see all three kittens, one Red and two Blacks.
Duncan is the biggest of them all and at 2 weeks old their eyes are all starting to open. There were two boys and one girl. Duncan is of course staying here and is growing into a fine Orange Boy, whilst Dandelion and Dusty have both gone to their fine new home in Upminster, Essex.
Delilah and her two kittens, born on May 17, 2010. We have two Red & Whites, one boy and one girl.This is little Purrinian Deirdre who was born on May 25th, 2001 (click on the picture to see her pedigree). Deirdre is a Blue Cream Persian, who will be staying with Purrinian Persians. Deirdre took part in her first show with the Cambria Cat Club at Newport on October 13, 2001 where she was First in her Open Class and also Best of Breed. Deirdre is a bit of a shy cat and I hve only taken her to one other show where she won a Championship Certificate, but she seemed to want to hide all the time so I thought it best if she just enjoys the home life with her family. No more shows for Deirdre.
On January 19th Deirdre had some success at the Central Longhaired Cat Clubs show in Birmingham. She won her Open Class, Best of Breed and won two trophies. One for Best Blue Cream Kitten and a very nice bronze cat statue for Best Overall Blue Cream. DANAS KITTENS,
BORN ON JUNE 7/8 2002
Here are Danas four new kittens, two Black, one Red & White and one Calico.
All the Little Ds are happily nursing. In the picture they are just a few hours old.
Mother Dana loves to wash her kittens
This is the Blackness of Count Danilo.
Red & White Dennis.
Calico Dvash, who is like her mother.
Daphne is Black like her brother Danilo.
Four weeks old and Dennis the Red & White is sitting up
They all want to get out of the box!
Dvash is out and walking, but Daphne was first out.
Daphne is first to try some food as Dennis and mother look on.
Count Danilo is looking as if he will grow to be a big cat.
The D's have been outside in the run for the first time and it is just too tiring for Dennis and the Count
Dennis is sleeping again! This time with Dvash.
Count Danilo is getting to be a very nice young cat now and he sometimes shares a chair with Dylan.
Uncle Dylan is taking Dennis and Danilo for a walk.
Show time for Count Danilo
Danilo is a big boy now and I took him to a show. He very much enjoyed the food and I think was also pleased with his silver trophy.
Here is the Count with all his ribbons on display.Dvash's First kitten!
Here is the coal blackness of Shaham, kitten of Danas daughter who was born on July 8, 2003. Shaham is a girl and like her mother has an Hebrew name. Dvash is behaving just like her mother and likes nothing better than to wash her kitten.
For information about Shaham contact Barbara at's new kitten!
Dagmar was born on August 25th and she is a Blue Persian kitten. She is Danas only kitten so she gets lots of washing.
Here is Dagmar with her eyes open and trying out her legs for the first time. Mother is around to see she does not go too far.
Big Black Count Danilo is holding Dagmar in his arms. He is very friendly towards his young sister
Here Dagmar is playing with a ball, she is getting really active now!DANAS New KITTENS,
BORN ON May 28 2004
Here are the family of four at just one week of age. This is Daliah and she looks very like her Calico mother.
Black Derrick.
Black Dion.
Tortoiseshell Doris.DANAS Three D KITTENS for 2005,
More joy for Dana, three kittens born on April 3rd. Plenty of nursing and plenty for washing for Orange & Whtie Demetrius, Blue D'Lady Denise and Blue & White Diso.
Demetrius is the boldest of the kittens and here you can see he is ready to make an attempt at escape - but Dana is never far away.
The kittens have now discovered the joy of climbing trees.
Demetrius and Denise resting after climbing and drinking.
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